DUI Accident Lawyer

DUI Accident Lawyer

DUI Accident Lawyer

What distinguishes a DWAI from a DUI and a DUI-D? Understanding the distinctions between DWAI, DUI, and DUI-D as well as the particular punishments attached to each violation is crucial when picking a DUI accident lawyer


Driving under the influence is taken seriously in Colorado in an effort to lower the amount of accidents, illnesses, and fatalities caused by alcohol and other drugs. Driving while intoxicated (DUI), driving while ability impaired (DWAI), and driving while drugged (DUI-D) can all have a detrimental impact on your life and reputation.

If you are found guilty of any of these, your vehicle insurance premiums may increase, and you may also be subject to jail time, fines, and license suspension. For these reasons, it’s critical to comprehend the distinctions between DWAI, DUI, and DUI-D as well as the sanctions attached to each conviction.

What does a Colorado DWAI mean?

Driving a motor vehicle while your ability is compromised by drugs or alcohol is known as driving while ability impaired (DWAI). DUI and DWAI differ in their degrees of severity. If a driver’s ability is even slightly compromised, they can be stopped and charged with DWAI. An individual who is even slightly intoxicated cannot safely operate a motor vehicle due to mental or physical impairment. Even if your blood alcohol level is below the legal limit, you may still be arrested and found guilty of this offence.

What does a Colorado DUI entail?

A driver commits a DUI in Colorado if they operate a vehicle while “substantially incapable of safely operating a motor vehicle due to the presence of drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both.” This means that if you have alcohol in your bloodstream and your BAC (blood alcohol content) is greater than 0.08%, you are not allowed to operate a motor vehicle. A breathalyzer or blood test will typically reveal whether a driver is facing DWAI or DUI charges. Most medicines must be confirmed with a blood test to determine whether they could impair your ability to drive a car.

If you are found guilty of a DUI in Colorado, you could face fines, a suspended license, time in jail, community service, an ignition interlock device , or even jail time. Additionally, the court will sentence you to a period of probation during which you may or may not be under supervision. Contacting a DUI accident lawyer is highly recommended, even for a first offense.

What does a Colorado DUI-D entail?

A DUI-D accusation may be brought against a driver in Colorado if they are suspected of operating a vehicle while under the influence of only one drug, typically marijuana. Remember that the drugs being used do not necessarily have to be illegal; they might be narcotics, prescription pharmaceuticals, or OTC (over-the-counter) medications. You run the danger of being unable to operate a motor vehicle safely if you use any of these substances. Marijuana is the narcotic that is most frequently used in a DUI-D. If the officer believes you used marijuana while operating a motor vehicle or before, you may still be charged even if you have a valid, active medical card.

Effects of a DUI-D versus a DWAI?

Even though a DUI charge is more serious than a DWAI charge, the repercussions for both can be the same. Your driving record will still reflect the effects of drunk driving years after the incident. Your first DUI conviction can result in a fine of up to $1,000, 48 to 96 hours of community service, and the loss of your driver’s license in addition to a potential sentence of up to one year in jail. However, a $500 fine, 24 to 48 hours of community service, and a maximum sentence of 180 days in jail are the consequences of your first DWAI conviction.

Get Assistance From Our DUI accident Lawyers Right Away

Criminal Law Matters  can assist if you are facing a DWAI, DUI, or DUI-D charge. You can avoid charges of drunk driving or lessen their severity with the assistance of our DUI defense attorneys. Request a free introductory consultation from us right away.


For assistance with your arrest or charge, contact our Denver DUI attorney.



DUI Accident Lawyer
DUI Lawyer

DUI Lawyer

DUI Lawyer

Colorado DUI Accident and Injury Cases: The Impact of Negligence – DUI lawyer

In cases involving DUI accidents and injuries, negligence is a major factor. When a driver is intoxicated, they are deemed negligent since they have broken their obligation to drive safely. They are responsible for any damages or injuries brought on by an accident they cause due to this breach of duty. In Colorado, accident victims who were involved in a DUI-related incident may file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver to recover damages.


DUI-related accidents that result in injuries in Colorado: Potential Criminal Charges and Penalties

When a DUI collision ends in harm or death, the motorist may be subject to extra criminal charges and punishments. Depending on the extent of the injuries or whether a fatality occurred, these charges may include vehicular assault or vehicular murder.


A felony conviction for vehicular assault carries a maximum sentence of three years in jail and a fine of $100,000. A more serious crime known as vehicular homicide carries a maximum sentence of 12 years in jail and a maximum fine of $750,000. The particular punishments will vary based on the facts of the case, the driver’s prior convictions, and other elements.


The Value of Getting Legal Counsel When Facing DUI Charges Associated with Injuries

Being accused of DUI after suffering injuries can be terrifying and have far-reaching effects. To properly defend your rights and deal with the difficult legal process, you must choose an expert DUI defense lawyer.


The Function of a DUI Defense Lawyer

A DUI defense lawyer focuses on defending people accused of driving under the influence. Their job is to guide their clients through the convoluted legal system, put up a solid defense, and bargain with the prosecution to get the best result possible. They are knowledgeable about DUI laws, processes, and various defenses that may be available in such circumstances.


How a Defense Attorney Can Defend the Accused’s Rights

A capable defense lawyer is essential to upholding the accused’s rights throughout the legal process. They make ensuring that any evidence gained during the arrest is legitimately obtained, and that their client’s constitutional rights are protected. They can also contest the reliability of chemical tests, field sobriety tests, and the arresting officer’s observations. By doing this, they can assist their clients in avoiding or minimizing the severe consequences of a DUI conviction.


Advantages of Hiring a Denver Specialized DUI Attorney

Comparing a regular criminal defense attorney to a DUI specialist has various benefits. DUI attorneys can spot any procedural mistakes or flaws in the evidence since they have significant understanding of the relevant rules and regulations pertaining to DUI trials.


Additionally, they have experience negotiating with prosecutors and navigating the legal system, boosting the likelihood that their clients will have a good verdict. Last but not least, qualified DUI lawyers are well-equipped to counsel their clients on possible alternatives to typical punishment, such diversion programs, that may be available in their area.


Factors that Reduce Risk and Defenses

Understanding all of the potential defenses and mitigating circumstances is essential when navigating DUI situations involving accidents and injuries. These factors are essential to a successful defense plan since they have the power to dramatically decrease punishments or perhaps have charges dropped.


Frequently Used Defenses in DUI Cases Involving Accidents and Injuries

Several defenses may be utilized in DUI trials involving accidents and injuries to contest the accusations or the evidence presented against the accused. Common countermeasures include:


Contesting the legality of the traffic stop: The evidence gathered during the stop may be suppressed if the officer did not have a valid justification for making the stop.

denying the validity of a field sobriety test False positive test results may occur from elements including inadequate illumination, uneven surfaces, or medical issues.

Contesting the accuracy of chemical tests: Blood and breath tests may contain errors as a result of incorrect sample handling, administration, or calibration.

The Impact of Mitigating Factors on Penalties Reduction

Penalties for DUI charges involving accidents and injuries can often be reduced by mitigating circumstances. These elements could be the accused’s lack of prior DUI convictions, their desire to participate in alcohol education or substance misuse treatment, or their ability to show sincere sorrow. By outlining mitigating circumstances, a defense lawyer might make the case for lowered charges, lighter punishments, or other sentencing choices.


Examples of Effective Defense Techniques

In DUI cases involving crashes and injuries, effective defense tactics frequently combine contesting the evidence, outlining mitigating circumstances, and bargaining with prosecutors. For instance, a defense lawyer may be successful in arguing that the police lacked sufficient grounds for the traffic stop, which would result in the charges being dropped.


Alternately, they could work out a plea deal where the accused agrees to go to a program for substance misuse in exchange for a lesser charge or less severe punishments. Every case is different, and a knowledgeable DUI defense lawyer will adjust their tactics to the particulars of their client’s case.


For assistance with your arrest or charge, contact our Denver DUI attorney.



DUI lawyer
Colorado DUI

Colorado DUI


A Colorado law enforcement officer normally pulls over a driver on suspicion of drunk driving before making an arrest for DUI. The policeman may see indicators of alcohol, traffic offenses, or unpredictable driving conduct. For a Colorado DUI, once the car has been stopped, the officer will speak with the driver to determine how intoxicated they are. Keeping an eye out for symptoms like slurred speech, the scent of alcohol, or bloodshot eyes.


Colorado field sobriety tests and chemical tests

Field sobriety tests (FSTs) may be administered to the driver if the officer suspects intoxication. By assessing the driver’s balance, coordination, and attentiveness, these tests assist in determining their level of intoxication. The Walk and Turn, One-Leg Stand, and Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) tests are typical FSTs.


In order to determine the driver’s BAC level, the officer may also ask them to submit to a chemical test, such as a blood or breathalyzer test.


Drivers in Colorado are subject to the state’s Express Consent Law, which mandates that they agree to a chemical test if a police officer properly requests one of them. If you don’t comply, you could face license revocation and other consequences.


the driver’s obligations and rights During a Colorado Arrest

Drivers in Colorado have a number of rights and responsibilities when they are arrested for DUI. When asked by the officer, they must present identity and evidence of insurance. Drivers do, however, have the option to keep silent and avoid implicating themselves.


They can ask for an independent blood test to confirm the outcomes of the initial chemical test while still adhering to the Express Consent Law. Finally, motorists are entitled to legal advice in order to safeguard their interests throughout the legal procedure.


DUI Arrest with Injury and Accident

DUI charges resulting in collisions and injuries carry far harsher penalties for intoxicated drivers. If you are charged with this crime, it is imperative that you comprehend the implications of these cases.


Additional Effects of Accident-Related Behavior Driving While Intoxicated in Colorado

In Colorado, getting into an accident while under the influence carries more harsher penalties than a regular DUI arrest. The driver might be hit with more accusations, heftier penalties, and longer jail terms. In addition, the driver can be responsible for the victims’ damages in terms of property damage, medical costs, and other costs.



Colorado DUI
DUI Lawyer



Our legal staff is committed to offering top-notch advice and representation in a range of professional areas, including DUI defense. Our group of knowledgeable lawyers is dedicated to guiding clients through the convoluted legal system and obtaining the best results for their cases. Here is some information on DUI Colorado.


Driving while intoxicated (DUI) is a serious crime with lasting repercussions, especially when it results in an accident and injuries. Serious penalties, a loss of driving privileges, and even jail may result from such offenses. Both the accused and the victims must comprehend the complexities of a DUI arrest with accident and injury.


Contact us for a free initial consultation to go through your case if you ever find yourself in a scenario where you require legal representation.


Understanding Colorado’s DUI Laws and Charges

In Colorado, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated by alcohol, narcotics, or other substances is known as driving under the influence, or DUI. DUI regulations seek to safeguard public safety and avoid accidents.


A driver is considered legally intoxicated in Colorado if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08% or greater. Lower BAC restrictions, however, apply to business drivers and those who are younger than 21.


Charges for Different Forms of DUI in Colorado

In Colorado, there are many DUI charges that can differ based on the driver’s BAC and prior convictions. These fees consist of:


DUI: A charge for motorists who have a BAC of at least 0.08%.

Drivers with a BAC between 0.05% and 0.08% are charged with DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired), a less serious offense.

When a driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) is far above the legal limit or when other aggravating circumstances exist, the charge of DUI is upgraded to an aggravated DUI.

Colorado’s legal limit for blood alcohol content

Colorado has set legal BAC thresholds that specify when a driver is deemed to be intoxicated:


The allowed limit for drivers 21 and older is 0.08%.

The threshold for professional drivers is 0.04%.

A “zero tolerance” policy with a 0.02% restriction is in place for drivers under the age of 21.

To avoid the serious repercussions connected with a DUI arrest in Colorado, it is imperative to be aware of the legal restrictions and potential charges.


Our group of skilled DUI defense lawyers will work relentlessly to uphold your rights, develop a solid defense, and seek the best result for your case. Don’t be afraid to ask for the help and direction you require during this crucial time. Get in touch with us right away to talk about your arrest or charge and to explore your alternatives.

Criminal Defense Attorney
Criminal Defense Attorney in Colorado

Criminal Defense Attorney in Colorado

Criminal Defense Attorney in Colorado

You may feel overburdened and unsure of what to do next if you, or someone you know and care about, has been detained and is being prosecuted on criminal accusations. Let’s face it: it can be challenging to recollect every detail of the next dump of information when you are arrested or receive a call from someone who has been detained and needs your assistance. At this point, having an experienced person on hand makes the whole scenario more manageable and straightforward to navigate. There are a number of reasons to enlist the aid of a private defense lawyer in these delicate circumstances, as it could mean the difference between a fine and a prison term. Consider getting a dedicated specialist to work with you.

Criminal attorneys are knowledgeable of the law and can raise numerous defenses

Criminal law in Colorado is intricate. Other elements of each law might not be disclosed to or known to the person charged. Finding the best defense is essential to a successful outcome, as is having all the pertinent information about a case. When a dismissal is not attainable, a committed criminal defense lawyer will argue for a reduced charge or dismissal.

Local lawyers also have connections with judges and courts, and they are familiar with the particularities of each court district and previous rulings. These details might not seem important, but if you’re facing criminal accusations, even the smallest details can have a big impact on how your case turns out.

Criminal defense lawyers are skilled at gathering credible evidence on your behalf.

Experienced defense lawyers are specialists in compiling proof to effectively support your case and build the strongest possible defense. Only a comprehensive and well-organized presentation of your side of the story will be taken into account by the courts. A skilled attorney will acquire witnesses as well as actual proof. Established lawyers have connections in the community and have access to reliable experts who can make a big difference in your case.

The Assistance of A Skilled Attorney Offers Direction

Although the majority of people do not consider the level of support a criminal defense lawyer provides, it is a professional’s responsibility to communicate frequently and effectively with clients and never leave them in the dark about what is happening. The greatest defense lawyers are constantly accessible to their clients during the proceedings and will adjust anything that can be to their advantage. Because dealing with criminal charges is an emotional event that impacts not just the defendant but also others close to them, there will be times when the attorney’s role will include providing emotional support.

Gathering information to ensure that no rights were violated

Everyone has witnessed it unfold in a well-known court case. A claim may be dismissed if someone’s rights are infringed, invalidating it. Although the majority of people in the United States are aware of some of their constitutional rights when they are being arrested, police enforcement must adhere to a strict protocol, and only someone with legal training and background is aware of every detail. When facing criminal accusations, it is not worth the risk to take on your own defense because you run the danger of missing a chance that could have made a big difference in your case.


Inadmissible evidence can be produced as a result of errors made by the arresting officers and cannot be utilized against you. Anything that may be taken out of the case is advantageous!

The Laws Are Changing Constantly

Laws in Colorado are subject to alter without the public’s knowledge. Only lawyers and anyone working in the legal sector are aware of the legislative changes that are about to take place.

Without experience, negotiating sentence terms might be challenging.

There is a window of opportunity for plea deals when a criminal case is scheduled for trial. Although it is required by state law to provide a free defense attorney, these lawyers frequently need assistance and opt for the bare minimum agreement. Anyone facing criminal charges that are not dismissed should think about entering into a plea bargain deal because a court hearing costs the state and taxpayers money.

A competent lawyer can offer significant support and direction in a wide variety of aspects of a criminal case. Avoid hesitating or attempting to represent yourself alone when you are facing criminal accusations. When it matters, get in touch with an expert for a free consultation, and only select the person you believe can best represent you and get the greatest result!

For more information on Criminal Defense Attorneys in Colorado or to schedule a free consultation visit https://criminallawmatters.com or call directly at 720-736-8601

This blog was written May 8th 2023



Criminal Defense Attorney